Overall Result


Cambridge beat Southampton
Result Team
Races Sailed
Race Wins
1 Southampton 17 15 6.17
2 Cambridge 17 14 5.67
3 Exeter 18 11 4.33
4 Edinburgh 18 9 3.67
5 Oxford 18 8 3
6 Bristol 18 8 2.83
7 Trinity Dublin 19 4 1.34
8 Imperial 19 3 0.99

Tie Breaks

Tie for 5th
SI J2.3 Oxford 2 Wins; Bristol 1 Win

Tie Breaking

After the first Round Robin, This event is ranking teams during an incomplete Round Robin using Win-Points.
One Win-Point is available for all the races sailed between any two teams as follows:

Number of races completed between any two teamsWin-Points for Each Win
1One Win-Point
21/2 Win-Point
31/3 Win-Point

Last Updated: 13/02/2018 17:18:10
© Keith Sammons 2015-2018