Race | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th |
1 |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
9.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
8.00pts |
Oxford (E)
7.00pts |
Radley College (F)
6.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
5.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
4.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
3.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
2.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
1.00pts |
2 |
Oxford (E)
9.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
8.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
7.00pts |
Radley College (F)
6.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
5.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
4.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
3.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
2.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
1.00pts |
3 |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
9.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
8.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
7.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
6.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
5.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
4.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
3.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
2.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
1.00pts |
4 |
Ryde Red (L)
9.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
8.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
7.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
6.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
3.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
5 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
8.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
7.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
6.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
4.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
3.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
2.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
1.00pts |
6 |
Tonbridge Black (P)
9.00pts |
Oxford (E)
8.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
7.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
6.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
5.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
3.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
7 |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
9.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
8.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
7.00pts |
Radley College (F)
6.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
5.64pts - RDG |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
5.00pts |
Oxford (E)
4.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
3.42pts - RDG |
RHS Pink (J)
1.00pts |
8 |
Ryde Red (L)
9.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
8.00pts |
Oxford (E)
7.00pts |
Radley College (F)
6.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
5.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
4.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
3.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
2.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
1.00pts |
9 |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
9.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
8.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
7.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
6.00pts |
Radley College (F)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
4.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
0.00pts - DNF |
10 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
8.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
7.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
6.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
5.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
4.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
3.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
2.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
0.00pts - DNC |
11 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
8.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
7.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
6.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
5.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
1.00pts |
12 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
8.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
7.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
6.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
5.00pts |
Oxford (E)
4.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
3.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
2.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
1.00pts |
13 |
Oxford (E)
9.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
8.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
7.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
6.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
5.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
4.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
3.00pts |
Radley College (F)
2.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
1.00pts |
14 |
Ryde White (M)
9.00pts |
Oxford (E)
8.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
7.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
6.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
5.00pts |
Radley College (F)
4.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
1.00pts |
15 |
RHS Blue (H)
9.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
8.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
7.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
6.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
5.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
4.00pts |
Radley College (F)
3.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
16 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
8.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
7.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
6.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
3.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
17 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
8.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
7.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
6.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
3.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
2.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
1.00pts |
18 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
8.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
7.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
6.00pts |
Oxford (E)
5.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
4.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
3.00pts |
Radley College (F)
2.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
1.00pts |
19 |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
9.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
8.00pts |
Oxford (E)
7.00pts |
Radley College (F)
6.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
5.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
4.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
3.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
2.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
0.00pts - DNC |
20 |
Oxford (E)
9.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
8.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
7.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
6.00pts |
Radley College (F)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
0.00pts - DNC |
21 |
RGS Guildford (G)
9.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
8.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
7.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
6.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
0.00pts - DNC |
22 |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
9.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
8.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
7.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
6.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
5.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
4.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
3.00pts |
Oxford (E)
2.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
1.00pts |
23 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
8.00pts |
Oxford (E)
7.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
6.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
5.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
3.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
2.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
0.00pts - OCS |
24 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
8.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
7.00pts |
Oxford (E)
6.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
5.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
4.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
3.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
2.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
1.00pts |
25 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
8.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
7.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
6.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
4.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
3.00pts |
Radley College (F)
2.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
0.00pts |
26 |
Ryde White (M)
9.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
8.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
7.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
6.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
5.00pts |
Radley College (F)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
0.00pts |
27 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
8.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
7.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
6.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
3.00pts |
Radley College (F)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
-3.00pts |
28 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
8.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
7.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
6.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
5.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
1.00pts |
29 |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
9.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
8.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
7.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
6.00pts |
Oxford (E)
5.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
4.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
3.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
2.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
0.00pts - DSQ |
30 |
Winchester Blue (R)
9.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
8.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
7.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
6.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
5.00pts |
Oxford (E)
4.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
3.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
2.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
0.00pts - DSQ |
31 |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
9.00pts |
Oxford (E)
8.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
7.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
5.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
5.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
4.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
Radley College (F)
1.00pts |
32 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Radley College (F)
8.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
7.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
6.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
5.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
4.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
3.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
1.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
33 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Radley College (F)
8.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
7.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
6.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
5.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
4.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
3.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
2.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
1.00pts |
34 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
8.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
7.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
6.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
5.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
3.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
2.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
1.00pts |
35 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
8.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
7.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
6.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
5.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
3.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
2.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
1.00pts |
36 |
Sherborne Gold (N)
9.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
8.00pts |
Radley College (F)
7.00pts |
Oxford (E)
6.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
5.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
4.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
3.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
2.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
0.00pts |
37 |
Radley College (F)
9.00pts |
Oxford (E)
8.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
7.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
6.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
5.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
4.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
3.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
2.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
1.00pts |
38 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
8.00pts |
Radley College (F)
7.00pts |
Oxford (E)
6.00pts |
RHS Pink (J)
5.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
4.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
3.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
39 |
RHS Pink (J)
9.00pts |
Ryde Black (K)
8.00pts |
RHS Blue (H)
7.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
6.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
5.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
4.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
3.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
2.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
1.00pts |
40 |
Ryde White (M)
9.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
8.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
7.00pts |
RGS Guildford (G)
6.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
5.00pts |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
4.00pts |
Winchester Blue (R)
3.00pts |
The King's School Canterbury (O)
2.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
1.00pts |
41 |
Claires Court Race Team (B)
9.00pts |
Ryde White (M)
8.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
7.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
6.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Black (P)
4.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
3.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
2.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
1.00pts |
42 |
Ryde Black (K)
9.00pts |
Sherborne Gold (N)
8.00pts |
Winchester Red (S)
7.00pts |
Royal Hospital School Grey (I)
6.00pts |
Kimbolton (D)
5.00pts |
Tonbridge Red (Q)
4.00pts |
Radley College (F)
3.00pts |
Cokethorpe Crusaders (C)
2.00pts |
Ryde Red (L)
1.00pts |