Race Sonar 1 Sonar 2 Sonar 3 Sonar 4 Sonar 5 Sonar 6 Sonar 7 Sonar 8 Sonar 9
1 Winchester Red  (S) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Radley College  (F) Oxford  (E) Kimbolton  (D) RGS Guildford  (G) RHS Pink  (J) RHS Blue  (H)
2 Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Ryde Black  (K) Ryde Red  (L) Radley College  (F) Oxford  (E) Kimbolton  (D) RGS Guildford  (G) RHS Pink  (J) RHS Blue  (H)
3 Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Ryde Black  (K) Ryde Red  (L) Ryde White  (M) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S) RGS Guildford  (G) RHS Pink  (J) RHS Blue  (H)
4 Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Ryde Black  (K) Ryde Red  (L) Ryde White  (M) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Black  (P) Kimbolton  (D)
5 Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Blue  (R) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Ryde White  (M) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Black  (P) Kimbolton  (D)
6 Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Blue  (R) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RGS Guildford  (G) Oxford  (E) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Black  (P) Kimbolton  (D)
7 Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Blue  (R) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RGS Guildford  (G) Oxford  (E) RHS Pink  (J) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F)
8 RHS Blue  (H) Ryde Red  (L) Ryde White  (M) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RGS Guildford  (G) Oxford  (E) RHS Pink  (J) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F)
9 RHS Blue  (H) Ryde Red  (L) Ryde White  (M) Ryde Black  (K) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Red  (Q) RHS Pink  (J) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F)
10 RHS Blue  (H) Ryde Red  (L) Ryde White  (M) Ryde Black  (K) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Tonbridge Black  (P) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S)
11 Kimbolton  (D) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Black  (K) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Tonbridge Black  (P) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S)
12 Kimbolton  (D) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Winchester Blue  (R) Oxford  (E) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (J) Tonbridge Black  (P) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S)
13 Kimbolton  (D) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Winchester Blue  (R) Oxford  (E) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (J) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F) RGS Guildford  (G)
14 Ryde White  (M) The King's School Canterbury  (O) RHS Blue  (H) Oxford  (E) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (J) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F) RGS Guildford  (G)
15 Ryde White  (M) The King's School Canterbury  (O) RHS Blue  (H) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F) RGS Guildford  (G)
16 Ryde White  (M) The King's School Canterbury  (O) RHS Blue  (H) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) Ryde Black  (K) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Sherborne Gold  (N)
17 Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Red  (S) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) Ryde Black  (K) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Sherborne Gold  (N)
18 Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Red  (S) Kimbolton  (D) Oxford  (E) Radley College  (F) Ryde Black  (K) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Sherborne Gold  (N)
19 Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Red  (S) Kimbolton  (D) Oxford  (E) Radley College  (F) RHS Pink  (J) RGS Guildford  (G) Ryde White  (M)
20 Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Tonbridge Black  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Kimbolton  (D) Oxford  (E) Radley College  (F) RHS Pink  (J) RGS Guildford  (G) Ryde White  (M)
21 Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Tonbridge Black  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Ryde Red  (L) RHS Blue  (H) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RHS Pink  (J) RGS Guildford  (G) Ryde White  (M)
22 Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Tonbridge Black  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Ryde Red  (L) RHS Blue  (H) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Winchester Blue  (R)
23 Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Red  (S) Sherborne Gold  (N) Ryde Red  (L) RHS Blue  (H) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Winchester Blue  (R)
24 Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Red  (S) Sherborne Gold  (N) RGS Guildford  (G) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (D) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Winchester Blue  (R)
25 Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Red  (S) Sherborne Gold  (N) RGS Guildford  (G) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (D) Radley College  (F) Ryde White  (M) RHS Pink  (J)
26 The King's School Canterbury  (O) RHS Blue  (H) Tonbridge Black  (P) RGS Guildford  (G) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (D) Radley College  (F) Ryde White  (M) RHS Pink  (J)
27 The King's School Canterbury  (O) RHS Blue  (H) Tonbridge Black  (P) Ryde Black  (K) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N) Radley College  (F) Ryde White  (M) RHS Pink  (J)
28 The King's School Canterbury  (O) RHS Blue  (H) Tonbridge Black  (P) Ryde Black  (K) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L)
29 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L)
30 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Oxford  (E) Winchester Red  (S) Kimbolton  (D) Ryde White  (M) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L)
31 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Oxford  (E) Winchester Red  (S) Kimbolton  (D) Ryde White  (M) RGS Guildford  (G) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Radley College  (F)
32 Ryde Black  (K) RHS Pink  (J) RHS Blue  (H) Winchester Red  (S) Kimbolton  (D) Ryde White  (M) RGS Guildford  (G) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Radley College  (F)
33 Ryde Black  (K) RHS Pink  (J) RHS Blue  (H) Tonbridge Black  (P) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Blue  (R) RGS Guildford  (G) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Radley College  (F)
34 Ryde Black  (K) RHS Pink  (J) RHS Blue  (H) Tonbridge Black  (P) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N)
35 Winchester Red  (S) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Black  (P) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Winchester Blue  (R) Ryde Red  (L) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N)
36 Winchester Red  (S) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (D) Radley College  (F) Oxford  (E) Ryde Red  (L) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N)
37 Winchester Red  (S) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (D) Radley College  (F) Oxford  (E) RHS Blue  (H) RHS Pink  (J) Ryde Black  (K)
38 The King's School Canterbury  (O) Winchester Blue  (R) RGS Guildford  (G) Kimbolton  (D) Radley College  (F) Oxford  (E) RHS Blue  (H) RHS Pink  (J) Ryde Black  (K)
39 The King's School Canterbury  (O) Winchester Blue  (R) RGS Guildford  (G) Ryde White  (M) Tonbridge Black  (P) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Blue  (H) RHS Pink  (J) Ryde Black  (K)
40 The King's School Canterbury  (O) Winchester Blue  (R) RGS Guildford  (G) Ryde White  (M) Tonbridge Black  (P) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Kimbolton  (D) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I)
41 Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Ryde Red  (L) Sherborne Gold  (N) Ryde White  (M) Tonbridge Black  (P) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Kimbolton  (D) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I)
42 Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Ryde Red  (L) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S) Ryde Black  (K) Radley College  (F) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Kimbolton  (D) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I)
43 Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Ryde Red  (L) Sherborne Gold  (N) Winchester Red  (S) Ryde Black  (K) Radley College  (F) Winchester Blue  (R) Oxford  (E) RHS Blue  (H)
44 Ryde White  (M) RHS Pink  (J) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Winchester Red  (S) Ryde Black  (K) Radley College  (F) Winchester Blue  (R) Oxford  (E) RHS Blue  (H)
45 Ryde White  (M) RHS Pink  (J) The King's School Canterbury  (O) RGS Guildford  (G) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Ryde Red  (L) Winchester Blue  (R) Oxford  (E) RHS Blue  (H)
46 Ryde White  (M) RHS Pink  (J) The King's School Canterbury  (O) RGS Guildford  (G) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q)
47 Sherborne Gold  (N) Kimbolton  (D) Winchester Red  (S) RGS Guildford  (G) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q)
48 Sherborne Gold  (N) Kimbolton  (D) Winchester Red  (S) Radley College  (F) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RHS Blue  (H) Tonbridge Black  (P) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Tonbridge Red  (Q)
49 Sherborne Gold  (N) Kimbolton  (D) Winchester Red  (S) Radley College  (F) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RHS Blue  (H) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Winchester Blue  (R)
50 RHS Pink  (J) Ryde White  (M) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Radley College  (F) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) RHS Blue  (H) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Winchester Blue  (R)
51 RHS Pink  (J) Ryde White  (M) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Oxford  (E) Ryde Black  (K) Winchester Blue  (R)
52 RHS Pink  (J) Ryde White  (M) Royal Hospital School Grey  (I) Sherborne Gold  (N) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) RGS Guildford  (G)
53 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Red  (S) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Sherborne Gold  (N) The King's School Canterbury  (O) Tonbridge Red  (Q) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) RGS Guildford  (G)
54 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Red  (S) Cokethorpe Crusaders  (C) Oxford  (E) Radley College  (F) Kimbolton  (D) Ryde Red  (L) Tonbridge Black  (P) RGS Guildford  (G)