
Rank Team Name No Races Total Points Avg Points
1 Bonbonbonbon (T) 15 78.00 5.20
2 Northern Royalty (N) 16 76.00 4.75
3 Spectrum (S) 15 71.00 4.73
4 Waldringfield Wasps (W) 16 71.00 4.44
5 Spin 2 Win Racing (R) 14 53.00 3.79
6 Ben's Buoys (F) 16 59.00 3.69
7 Jib WAGs (B) 15 52.00 3.47
8 Team Jersey (J) 14 41.00 2.93
9 Marconi SC (M) 16 36.00 2.25
10 The Venga Boat (V) 16 29.00 1.81
11 Knot a Problem (K) 15 15.00 1.00

Tie Break Information:

Rank on Average Points, teams have completed a different number of races

Last Race: 28
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-09-01 14:44:21

Teams will not appear in this table until they have finished a race