
Rank Team Name No Races Total Points Avg Points
1 Strathclyde 1 6 33.00 5.50
2 Strathclyde 3 9 43.00 4.78
3 Dundee 1 7 33.00 4.71
4 Strathclyde 2 7 32.00 4.57
5 Edinburgh 2 7 31.00 4.43
6 Dundee 2 9 30.00 3.33
7 St Andrews 8 23.00 2.88
8 Aberdeen 8 22.00 2.75
9 Glasgow 8 19.00 2.38
10 Edinburgh 1 8 16.00 2.00
11 SSS National Team 7 12.00 1.71
Rank on Average Points, teams have completed a different number of races

Last Race: 14
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-03-16 16:07:58