Stage 1  - Firefly

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 MCS Red 7 6 55 85.71% 7.86 0
3 Sherborne Gold 8 6 71 75.00% 8.88 0
4 RGS Green 8 6 71 75.00% 8.88 0
4 RGS Red 7 5 57 71.43% 8.14 0
5 Millfield 8 3 86 37.50% 10.75 0
6 Clifton College 9 3 107 33.33% 11.89 0
7 Sherborne Blue 8 3 84 37.50% 10.50 0
8 Wellington 9 0 135 0.00% 15.00 0
In the above table penalty wins are not deducted from number of wins or taken into account in %Wins and Average Points

Stage 1  - Feva

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Claires Court Race Team 7 6 25 85.71% 3.57 0
2 Sherborne Girls School 6 4 28 66.67% 4.67 0
3 RGS Feva 6 3 30 50.00% 5.00 0
4 Sherborne Colts 7 3 36 42.86% 5.14 0
5 Clifton U16 6 0 41 0.00% 6.83 0
In the above table penalty wins are not deducted from number of wins or taken into account in %Wins and Average Points