Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Ryde Rugrats 13 13 40 100.00% 3.08 0
2 Outryders 12 10 54 83.33% 4.50 0
3 RLymYC One 14 11 55 78.57% 3.93 0
4 Pink Penguins 13 10 47 76.92% 3.62 0
5 NFA White 13 10 51 76.92% 3.92 0
6 Team Smile & Wave 13 9 57 69.23% 4.38 0
7 RLymYC Two 12 8 57 66.67% 4.75 0
8 NFA Red 13 8 53 61.54% 4.08 0
9 Solent Oppies 12 7 53 58.33% 4.42 0
10 NEYYSA Topo 12 5 69 41.67% 5.75 0
11 Helkats White 13 5 69 38.46% 5.31 0
12 RGS Super 13 5 71 38.46% 5.46 0
13 Yarmouth Sailing Squad 14 5 90 35.71% 6.43 0
14 Sevenoaks Juniors 12 4 68 33.33% 5.67 0
15 Helkats Blue 12 3 73 25.00% 6.08 0
16 Maidenhead SC 13 3 77 23.08% 5.92 0
17 Abingdon Juniors 12 2 74 16.67% 6.17 0
18 Reading SC Port 12 1 80 8.33% 6.67 0
19 MCS Red 12 1 80 8.33% 6.67 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been deducted from total wins and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.


Not all teams have sailed all other teams at least once, scored using HLS, rank computed by system
TIE BROKEN USING H3a (rank on wins when met seen as tie_wins):
Team: Pink Penguins - Number of wins against tied teams: 1
Team: NFA White - Number of wins against tied teams: 0

TIE BROKEN USING H3c (Rank on the sum of points scored in all races divided by the number of races sailed):
Team: Helkats White - Average Points: 5.31
Team: RGS Super - Average Points: 5.46
Team: Reading SC Port - Average Points: 6.67
Team: MCS Red - Average Points: 6.67

TIE BROKEN USING H3c (Rank on the sum of points scored in all races divided by the number of races sailed):
Team: Reading SC Port - Average Points: 6.67
Team: MCS Red - Average Points: 6.67

TIE BROKEN USING H3d (Rank tied teams on sum percentage win of beaten opponents divided by number of races won):
Team: Reading SC Port - Avg % wins of beaten opponents: 61.54
Team: MCS Red - Avg % wins of beaten opponents: 16.67

Last Race: 120
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-10-13 10:14:41