Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Ryde on Time 10 9 84 90.00% 8.40 0
2 Rutland Raiders 10 9 77 90.00% 7.70 0
3 Sevenoaks White 10 6 98 60.00% 9.80 0
4 RHS Falcons 10 6 95 60.00% 9.50 0
5 RHS Blue 10 6 90 60.00% 9.00 0
6 Rutland Rebels 10 6 98 60.00% 9.80 0
7 Winchester Blue 10 5 106 50.00% 10.60 0
8 Ryde School 10 3 121 30.00% 12.10 0
9 Sevenoaks Red 10 2 128 20.00% 12.80 0
10 RGS Guildford 10 2 128 20.00% 12.80 0
11 Norwich School 10 1 133 10.00% 13.30 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.

The full round robin has been completed. Teams are ranked on the basis of RRS D4.3(a) with ties broken using D4.4. The ranks are computed by the system

Teams are ranked on Race Wins.

Tie for 1st, broken using D4.4a1
1st: Ryde on Time - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
2nd: Rutland Raiders - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Tie for 3rd, broken using D4.4a1
3rd: Sevenoaks White - Races won between tied teams: 0.666667
3rd: RHS Falcons - Races won between tied teams: 0.666667
5th: Rutland Rebels - Races won between tied teams: 0.333333
5th: RHS Blue - Races won between tied teams: 0.333333

Tie for 3rd, broken using D4.4a1
3rd: Sevenoaks White - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
4th: RHS Falcons - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Tie for 5th, broken using D4.4a1
5th: RHS Blue - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
6th: Rutland Rebels - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Tie for 9th, broken using D4.4a1
9th: Sevenoaks Red - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
10th: RGS Guildford - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Last Race: 55
Last result submitted at: 2025-01-25 15:45:35