Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Win-Points Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Cambridge Blue 19 18 14.50 136 94.74% 7.16 0
2 UEA Yellow 19 17 13.50 139 89.47% 7.32 0
3 Nottingham Green 19 15 12 155 78.95% 8.16 0
4 Warwick Black 19 15 12 165 78.95% 8.68 0
5 Loughborough Purple 19 16 12 157 84.21% 8.26 0
6 Birmingham Red 19 13 10 178 68.42% 9.37 0
7 Cambridge Green 19 10 9.50 191 52.63% 10.05 0
8 Nottingham Yellow 19 10 7.50 207 52.63% 10.89 0
9 Loughborough Pink 19 8 6 209 42.11% 11.00 0
10 Warwick Red 19 7 5.50 220 36.84% 11.58 0
11 Cambridge Orange 19 8 5.50 230 42.11% 12.11 0
12 Lincoln Blue 19 5 4 235 26.32% 12.37 0
13 Birmingham Blue 19 4 3.50 248 21.05% 13.05 0
14 Loughborough White 19 3 2.50 244 15.79% 12.84 0
15 Nottingham White 19 3 2 247 15.79% 13.00 0
16 Aberystwyth Orange 19 0 0 261 0.00% 13.74 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.

All teams have raced all other teams at least once but not all teams have raced all other teams the same number of times. Using Win-Points instead of wins, teams are ranked on the basis of the first sentence of RRS D4.3(a) with ties broken using D4.4(a). The rank are computed by the system

Teams are ranked on Win-Points.

Tie for 3rd, broken using D4.4a1
3rd: Nottingham Green - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
4th: Warwick Black - Races won between tied teams: 0.500000
5th: Loughborough Purple - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Tie for 10th, broken using D4.4a1
10th: Warwick Red - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
11th: Cambridge Orange - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Last Race: 152
Last result submitted at: 2025-02-02 16:10:09