Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Win-Points Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Durham Purple 14 13 13 108 92.86% 7.71 0
2 York Black 14 12 12 114 85.71% 8.14 0
3 Newcastle Brown 14 10 10 132 71.43% 9.43 0
4 Liverpool White 14 9 9 144 64.29% 10.29 0
5 Lancaster Red 14 9 9 131 64.29% 9.36 0
6 Newcastle Blue 14 9 9 128 64.29% 9.14 0
7 Durham Baby Blue 14 8 8 136 57.14% 9.71 0
8 Durham Black 14 8 8 146 57.14% 10.43 0
9 Newcastle Red 14 7 7 146 50.00% 10.43 0
10 Sheffield Gold 14 6 6 151 42.86% 10.79 0
11 Leeds University 14 6 6 151 42.86% 10.79 0
12 Manchester Purple 14 5 5 159 35.71% 11.36 0
13 Sheffield Black 14 2 2 176 14.29% 12.57 0
14 York Gold 14 1 1 180 7.14% 12.86 0
15 Manchester Yellow 14 0 0 204 0.00% 14.57 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.

All teams have raced all other teams the same number of times. Teams are ranked on the basis of the first sentence of RRS D4.3(a) with ties broken using D4.4(a). The ranks are computed by the system

Teams are ranked on Race Wins.

Tie for 4th, broken using D4.4a1
4th: Liverpool White - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
5th: Lancaster Red - Races won between tied teams: 0.500000
6th: Newcastle Blue - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Tie for 7th, broken using D4.4a1
7th: Durham Baby Blue - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
8th: Durham Black - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Tie for 10th, broken using D4.4a1
10th: Sheffield Gold - Races won between tied teams: 1.000000
11th: Leeds University - Races won between tied teams: 0.000000

Last Race: 105
Last result submitted at: 2025-02-02 15:06:37