Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 West Kirby Hawks 10 10 74 100.00% 7.40 0
2 George Jesters 10 8 84 80.00% 8.40 0
3 Elmside Neighbours 10 8 87 80.00% 8.70 0
4 Royal Thames YC White 10 8 95 80.00% 9.50 0
5 Wessex Wombles 10 8 98 80.00% 9.80 0
6 Southampton Green 10 7 90 70.00% 9.00 0
7 Loughborough Purple 10 7 93 70.00% 9.30 0
8 Wessex Walking Sticks 10 7 95 70.00% 9.50 0
9 Imperial Blue 10 6 96 60.00% 9.60 0
10 Exeter Blue 10 6 97 60.00% 9.70 0
11 SNÖBYÅR 10 6 99 60.00% 9.90 0
12 Royal Thames YC Blue 10 5 102 50.00% 10.20 0
13 Cumberland Sausages 10 5 105 50.00% 10.50 0
14 Oxford Blue 10 5 108 50.00% 10.80 0
15 Rutland Raiders 10 4 111 40.00% 11.10 0
16 RLYC Foxes 10 4 115 40.00% 11.50 0
17 UEA 10 4 118 40.00% 11.80 0
18 Cambridge Blue 10 3 116 30.00% 11.60 0
19 Exeter Black 10 2 122 20.00% 12.20 0
20 Cambridge Purple 10 2 127 20.00% 12.70 0
21 MCS 10 2 145 20.00% 14.50 0
22 Royal Hospital School 10 1 123 10.00% 12.30 0
23 Castaways 10 1 131 10.00% 13.10 0
24 Sevenoaks School 10 1 135 10.00% 13.50 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been deducted from total wins and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.


Not all teams have sailed all other teams at least once, scored using HLS, rank computed by system

TIE BROKEN USING H3c (Rank on the sum of points scored in all races divided by the number of races sailed):
Team: George Jesters - Average Points: 8.40
Team: Elmside Neighbours - Average Points: 8.70
Team: Royal Thames YC White - Average Points: 9.50
Team: Wessex Wombles - Average Points: 9.80
Team: Southampton Green - Average Points: 9.00
Team: Loughborough Purple - Average Points: 9.30
Team: Wessex Walking Sticks - Average Points: 9.50
Team: Imperial Blue - Average Points: 9.60
Team: Exeter Blue - Average Points: 9.70
Team: SNÖBYÅR - Average Points: 9.90
Team: Royal Thames YC Blue - Average Points: 10.20
Team: Cumberland Sausages - Average Points: 10.50
Team: Oxford Blue - Average Points: 10.80
Team: Rutland Raiders - Average Points: 11.10
Team: RLYC Foxes - Average Points: 11.50
Team: UEA - Average Points: 11.80
Team: Exeter Black - Average Points: 12.20
Team: Cambridge Purple - Average Points: 12.70
Team: MCS - Average Points: 14.50
Team: Royal Hospital School - Average Points: 12.30
Team: Castaways - Average Points: 13.10
Team: Sevenoaks School - Average Points: 13.50

Last Race: 120
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-03-25 13:02:23