Stage 2  - Gold

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Elmside Neighbours 5 4 45 80.00% 9.00 0
2 West Kirby Hawks 5 4 46 80.00% 9.20 0
3 George Jesters 5 2 52 40.00% 10.40 0
4 Southampton Green 5 2 60 40.00% 12.00 0
5 Wessex Wombles 5 2 55 40.00% 11.00 0
6 Royal Thames YC White 5 1 57 20.00% 11.40 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.


Scored using Appendix D4.3
Rank on Race Wins, all teams completed the same number of races
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Elmside Neighbours - % races won between tied teams: 1.00
Team: West Kirby Hawks - % races won between tied teams: 0.00
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: George Jesters - % races won between tied teams: 0.50
Team: Wessex Wombles - % races won between tied teams: 0.50
Team: Southampton Green - % races won between tied teams: 0.50

TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a2 (Average points per race in all races between the tied teams)
Team: George Jesters - Avg points between tied teams: 9.50
Team: Wessex Wombles - Avg points between tied teams: 11.00
Team: Southampton Green - Avg points between tied teams: 11.00
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a2 (Average points per race in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Southampton Green - Avg points between tied teams: 9.00
Team: Wessex Wombles - Avg points between tied teams: 12.00

Last Race: 257
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-03-24 13:55:04

Stage 2  - Plate

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Cambridge Purple 5 4 48 80.00% 9.60 0
2 Exeter Black 5 3 47 60.00% 9.40 0
3 MCS 5 3 44 60.00% 8.80 0
4 Royal Hospital School 5 3 52 60.00% 10.40 0
5 Castaways 5 2 58 40.00% 11.60 0
6 Sevenoaks School 5 0 76 0.00% 15.20 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.


Scored using Appendix D4.3
Rank on Race Wins, all teams completed the same number of races
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Exeter Black - % races won between tied teams: 1.00
Team: MCS - % races won between tied teams: 0.50
Team: Royal Hospital School - % races won between tied teams: 0.00

Last Race: 258
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-03-24 13:59:23

Stage 2  - Silver

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Exeter Blue 5 4 44 80.00% 8.80 0
2 SNÖBYÅR 5 3 51 60.00% 10.20 0
3 Royal Thames YC Blue 5 3 54 60.00% 10.80 0
4 Wessex Walking Sticks 5 3 49 60.00% 9.80 0
5 Loughborough Purple 5 1 64 20.00% 12.80 0
6 Imperial Blue 5 1 63 20.00% 12.60 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.


Scored using Appendix D4.3
Rank on Race Wins, all teams completed the same number of races
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: SNÖBYÅR - % races won between tied teams: 1.00
Team: Royal Thames YC Blue - % races won between tied teams: 0.50
Team: Wessex Walking Sticks - % races won between tied teams: 0.00
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Loughborough Purple - % races won between tied teams: 1.00
Team: Imperial Blue - % races won between tied teams: 0.00

Last Race: 259
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-03-24 13:47:54

Stage 2  - Bronze

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Cambridge Blue 5 4 45 80.00% 9.00 0
2 RLYC Foxes 5 4 46 80.00% 9.20 0
3 Cumberland Sausages 5 2 52 40.00% 10.40 0
4 UEA 5 2 57 40.00% 11.40 0
5 Oxford Blue 5 2 63 40.00% 12.60 0
6 Rutland Raiders 5 1 62 20.00% 12.40 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.


Scored using Appendix D4.3
Rank on Race Wins, all teams completed the same number of races
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Cambridge Blue - % races won between tied teams: 1.00
Team: RLYC Foxes - % races won between tied teams: 0.00
TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a1 (Percentage of races won in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Oxford Blue - % races won between tied teams: 0.50
Team: Cumberland Sausages - % races won between tied teams: 0.50
Team: UEA - % races won between tied teams: 0.50

TIE BROKEN USING D4.4a2 (Average points per race in all races between the tied teams)
Team: Cumberland Sausages - Avg points between tied teams: 10.50
Team: UEA - Avg points between tied teams: 12.00
Team: Oxford Blue - Avg points between tied teams: 14.00

Last Race: 260
Last result sumbitted at: 2024-03-24 14:01:41