Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Corinthian Tigers 12 11 100 91.67% 8.33 0
2 Elmside Neighbours 12 10 106 83.33% 8.83 0
3 Royal Thames YC White 12 10 104 83.33% 8.67 0
4 Rutland Raiders 12 9 102 75.00% 8.50 0
5 Bonbonbonbons 12 9 114 75.00% 9.50 0
6 Cumberland Sausages 12 9 118 75.00% 9.83 0
7 Exeter Blue 12 8 108 66.67% 9.00 0
8 Imperial Alumni 12 8 115 66.67% 9.58 0
9 George Jesters 12 7 112 58.33% 9.33 0
10 Wessex Wombles 12 7 113 58.33% 9.42 0
11 UEA Yellow 12 6 125 50.00% 10.42 0
12 Royal Thames YC Blue 12 6 128 50.00% 10.67 0
13 Cowboys 12 5 135 41.67% 11.25 0
14 RLYC Foxes 12 3 142 25.00% 11.83 0
15 Southampton Black 12 3 144 25.00% 12.00 0
16 British and Irish Sea Lions 12 3 153 25.00% 12.75 0
17 Cambridge Blue 12 2 146 16.67% 12.17 0
18 Edinburgh Black 12 2 150 16.67% 12.50 0
19 SSS National Team 12 1 159 8.33% 13.25 0
20 Spinnaker Sloths 12 1 162 8.33% 13.50 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.

The full round robin has not been completed. Teams are scored using the HLS system. The ranks are computed by the system

Teams are ranked on Percentage Wins.

Tie for 2nd, broken using H3.a.1:
2nd: Elmside Neighbours - Number of wins against tied teams: 1
3rd: Royal Thames YC White - Number of wins against tied teams: 0

Tie for 4th, broken using H3.a.3:
4th: Rutland Raiders - Average Points: 8.50
5th: Bonbonbonbons - Average Points: 9.50
6th: Cumberland Sausages - Average Points: 9.83

Tie for 7th, broken using H3.a.3:
7th: Exeter Blue - Average Points: 9.00
8th: Imperial Alumni - Average Points: 9.58

Tie for 9th, broken using H3.a.3:
9th: George Jesters - Average Points: 9.33
10th: Wessex Wombles - Average Points: 9.42

Tie for 11th, broken using H3.a.3:
11th: UEA Yellow - Average Points: 10.42
12th: Royal Thames YC Blue - Average Points: 10.67

Tie for 14th, broken using H3.a.3:
14th: RLYC Foxes - Average Points: 11.83
15th: Southampton Black - Average Points: 12.00
16th: British and Irish Sea Lions - Average Points: 12.75

Tie for 17th, broken using H3.a.3:
17th: Cambridge Blue - Average Points: 12.17
18th: Edinburgh Black - Average Points: 12.50

Tie for 19th, broken using H3.a.3:
19th: SSS National Team - Average Points: 13.25
20th: Spinnaker Sloths - Average Points: 13.50

Last Race: 120
Last result submitted at: 2025-02-09 10:30:22