Stage 1

Rank Team Races Sailed Race Wins Win-Points Total Points % Wins Average Points Win Penalties
1 Southampton Red 16 15 15 118 93.75% 7.38 0
2 Southampton Green 16 14 14 123 87.50% 7.69 0
3 Oxford Blue 16 14 14 130 87.50% 8.13 0
4 Solent Black 17 14 14 147 82.35% 8.65 0
5 UCL Purple 16 12 12 149 75.00% 9.31 0
6 Southampton Blue 16 11 11 148 68.75% 9.25 0
7 Portsmouth Blue 17 11 11 172 64.71% 10.12 0
8 Imperial White 16 10 10 160 62.50% 10.00 0
9 Oxford Red 17 9 9 172 52.94% 10.12 0
10 Surrey University 16 8 8 174 50.00% 10.88 0
11 Imperial Blue 16 8 8 156 50.00% 9.75 0
12 Portsmouth Purple 16 7 7 163 43.75% 10.19 0
13 Oxford Black 16 5 5 182 31.25% 11.38 0
14 Solent Red 16 4 4 209 25.00% 13.06 0
15 Bournemouth University 16 3 3 189 18.75% 11.81 0
16 Imperial Red 16 3 3 206 18.75% 12.88 0
17 Brunel University 16 2 2 222 12.50% 13.88 0
18 Reading Red 16 2 2 217 12.50% 13.56 0
19 Sussex University 17 2 2 248 11.76% 14.59 0
In the above table any penalty wins have been applied to the team's total wins/points and therefore taken into account to calculate %wins, average points, and win-points if applicable.

Not all teams have sailed all other teams at least once. The stage has been scored using the HLS system. The ranks are computed by the system

Teams are ranked on Percentage Wins.

Tie for 2nd, broken using H3.a.1:
2nd: Southampton Green - Number of wins against tied teams: 1
3rd: Oxford Blue - Number of wins against tied teams: 0

Tie for 10th, broken using H3.a.1:
10th: Surrey University - Number of wins against tied teams: 1
11th: Imperial Blue - Number of wins against tied teams: 0

Tie for 15th, broken using H3.a.3:
15th: Bournemouth University - Average Points: 11.81
16th: Imperial Red - Average Points: 12.88

Tie for 17th, broken using H3.a.1:
17th: Brunel University - Number of wins against tied teams: 1
18th: Reading Red - Number of wins against tied teams: 0

Last Race: 154
Last result submitted at: 2025-02-02 18:28:05