Race Sonar 1 Sonar 2 Sonar 3 Sonar 4 Sonar 5 Sonar 6 Sonar 7 Sonar 8 Sonar 9 Sonar 10 Sonar 11
1 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Blue  (V) Kimbolton  (F) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sherborne Gold  (R) RHS Navy  (K) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Tonbridge Black  (T) RHS Pink  (L) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Ryde on Time  (N)
2 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Blue  (V) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sherborne Gold  (R) RHS Navy  (K) RHS Blue  (J) Clifton College  (D) Radley College  (G) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Ryde on Time  (N)
3 Claires Court Race Team  (B) Winchester Red  (W) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sherborne Gold  (R) RGS Others  (I) RHS Blue  (J) Clifton College  (D) Radley College  (G) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) RGS Guildford  (H)
4 Ryde and Seek  (M) Winchester Red  (W) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Ryding High  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (S) RGS Others  (I) RHS Blue  (J) Clifton College  (D) Kimbolton  (F) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) RGS Guildford  (H)
5 Ryde and Seek  (M) RHS Navy  (K) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryding High  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Tonbridge Black  (T) RHS Blue  (J) RHS Pink  (L) Kimbolton  (F) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) RGS Guildford  (H)
6 Ryde and Seek  (M) RHS Navy  (K) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryding High  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Tonbridge Black  (T) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Others  (I) Radley College  (G) Winchester Red  (W)
7 Sevenoaks White  (Q) RGS Guildford  (H) Winchester Blue  (V) Kimbolton  (F) Ryde on Time  (N) Tonbridge Black  (T) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Others  (I) Radley College  (G) Winchester Red  (W)
8 Sevenoaks White  (Q) RGS Guildford  (H) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (F) Ryde on Time  (N) Tonbridge Black  (T) Ryde and Seek  (M) Ryding High  (P) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Radley College  (G) Winchester Red  (W)
9 Sevenoaks White  (Q) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Kimbolton  (F) Ryde on Time  (N) Sherborne Gold  (R) Ryde and Seek  (M) Ryding High  (P) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Clifton College  (D) RHS Pink  (L)
10 Tonbridge Black  (T) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) RHS Blue  (J) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RGS Others  (I) Sherborne Gold  (R) Ryde and Seek  (M) Ryding High  (P) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Clifton College  (D) RHS Pink  (L)
11 Tonbridge Black  (T) The King's School Canterbury  (S) RHS Blue  (J) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RGS Others  (I) Sherborne Gold  (R) RHS Navy  (K) RGS Guildford  (H) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Clifton College  (D) RHS Pink  (L)
12 Winchester Red  (W) The King's School Canterbury  (S) RHS Blue  (J) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RGS Others  (I) Winchester Blue  (V) RHS Navy  (K) RGS Guildford  (H) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Ryde on Time  (N) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C)
13 Winchester Red  (W) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Clifton College  (D) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Radley College  (G) Winchester Blue  (V) RHS Navy  (K) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Ryde and Seek  (M) Ryde on Time  (N) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C)
14 Winchester Red  (W) Kimbolton  (F) Clifton College  (D) Sherborne Gold  (R) Radley College  (G) Winchester Blue  (V) Tonbridge Black  (T) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Ryde and Seek  (M) Ryde on Time  (N) RHS Blue  (J)
15 RHS Navy  (K) Kimbolton  (F) RGS Others  (I) Sherborne Gold  (R) Radley College  (G) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Tonbridge Black  (T) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Ryde and Seek  (M) Sevenoaks White  (Q) RHS Blue  (J)
16 RHS Navy  (K) Kimbolton  (F) RGS Others  (I) Sherborne Gold  (R) RHS Pink  (L) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Ryding High  (P) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Ryde on Time  (N) Sevenoaks White  (Q) RHS Blue  (J)
17 RHS Navy  (K) Radley College  (G) RGS Others  (I) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Guildford  (H) Ryding High  (P) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Ryde on Time  (N) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Winchester Blue  (V)
18 Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Radley College  (G) Sherborne Gold  (R) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Clifton College  (D) RGS Guildford  (H) Ryding High  (P) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Ryde on Time  (N) Kimbolton  (F) Winchester Blue  (V)
19 Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RHS Pink  (L) Sherborne Gold  (R) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Clifton College  (D) RGS Guildford  (H) Winchester Red  (W) Ryde and Seek  (M) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Kimbolton  (F) Winchester Blue  (V)
20 The King's School Canterbury  (S) RHS Pink  (L) Sherborne Gold  (R) RHS Navy  (K) Clifton College  (D) Ryding High  (P) Winchester Red  (W) Ryde and Seek  (M) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Kimbolton  (F) Ryde Rugrats  (O)
21 The King's School Canterbury  (S) RHS Pink  (L) Tonbridge Black  (T) RHS Navy  (K) RGS Guildford  (H) Ryding High  (P) Winchester Red  (W) Ryde and Seek  (M) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Ryde Rugrats  (O)
22 The King's School Canterbury  (S) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Tonbridge Black  (T) Radley College  (G) RGS Guildford  (H) RHS Blue  (J) RGS Others  (I) Ryde and Seek  (M) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Ryde Rugrats  (O)
23 Clifton College  (D) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Tonbridge Black  (T) Radley College  (G) Winchester Red  (W) RHS Blue  (J) RGS Others  (I) Winchester Blue  (V) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Sevenoaks White  (Q)
24 Clifton College  (D) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RHS Pink  (L) Radley College  (G) Winchester Red  (W) RHS Blue  (J) Ryde on Time  (N) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryding High  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Sevenoaks White  (Q)
25 RGS Others  (I) Sherborne Gold  (R) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Guildford  (H) Winchester Red  (W) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Ryde on Time  (N) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryding High  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Sevenoaks White  (Q)
26 RGS Others  (I) Sherborne Gold  (R) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RGS Guildford  (H) Tonbridge Black  (T) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Ryde on Time  (N) Kimbolton  (F) Ryding High  (P) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Clifton College  (D)
27 RHS Blue  (J) Sherborne Gold  (R) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) RGS Guildford  (H) Tonbridge Black  (T) Radley College  (G) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Kimbolton  (F) Ryding High  (P) RHS Navy  (K) Clifton College  (D)
28 RHS Blue  (J) Ryde on Time  (N) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Tonbridge Black  (T) Radley College  (G) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Kimbolton  (F) RHS Pink  (L) RHS Navy  (K) Ryde and Seek  (M)
29 RHS Blue  (J) Ryde on Time  (N) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Winchester Blue  (V) Radley College  (G) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Others  (I) Ryde and Seek  (M)
30 Tonbridge Black  (T) Ryde on Time  (N) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Winchester Blue  (V) Winchester Red  (W) Clifton College  (D) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Others  (I) RHS Navy  (K)
31 Tonbridge Black  (T) Ryding High  (P) Radley College  (G) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Kimbolton  (F) Winchester Red  (W) Clifton College  (D) Claires Court Race Team  (B) RHS Pink  (L) RGS Others  (I) RHS Navy  (K)
32 RGS Guildford  (H) Ryding High  (P) Radley College  (G) The King's School Canterbury  (S) Kimbolton  (F) Winchester Red  (W) Clifton College  (D) Sherborne Gold  (R) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryde and Seek  (M) RHS Navy  (K)
33 RGS Guildford  (H) Ryding High  (P) Radley College  (G) RHS Blue  (J) Kimbolton  (F) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sherborne Gold  (R) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryde and Seek  (M) Claires Court Race Team  (B)
34 RGS Guildford  (H) Tonbridge Black  (T) The King's School Canterbury  (S) RHS Blue  (J) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sevenoaks White  (Q) Winchester Blue  (V) Ryde and Seek  (M) Claires Court Race Team  (B)
35 Ryde on Time  (N) Tonbridge Black  (T) The King's School Canterbury  (S) RHS Blue  (J) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Cokethorpe Yellow  (E) Ryde Rugrats  (O) Sevenoaks White  (Q) RHS Navy  (K) Winchester Red  (W) Sherborne Gold  (R)
36 Ryde on Time  (N) Tonbridge Black  (T) RGS Guildford  (H) RGS Others  (I) Claires Court Sailing Squad  (C) Ryde and Seek  (M) Kimbolton  (F) Sevenoaks White  (Q) RHS Navy  (K) Winchester Red  (W) Sherborne Gold  (R)
37 Ryde on Time  (N) Clifton College  (D) RGS Guildford  (H) RGS Others  (I) Claires Court Race Team  (B) Ryde and Seek  (M) Kimbolton  (F) RHS Blue  (J) RHS Navy  (K) Winchester Red  (W) RHS Pink  (L)