1 |
Claires Court Race Team
Winchester Blue
Ryde Rugrats
Sherborne Gold
RHS Navy
The King's School Canterbury
Tonbridge Black
RHS Pink
Cokethorpe Yellow
Ryde on Time
2 |
Claires Court Race Team
Winchester Blue
Sevenoaks White
Ryde Rugrats
Sherborne Gold
RHS Navy
RHS Blue
Clifton College
Radley College
Cokethorpe Yellow
Ryde on Time
3 |
Claires Court Race Team
Winchester Red
Sevenoaks White
Ryde Rugrats
Sherborne Gold
RGS Others
RHS Blue
Clifton College
Radley College
Claires Court Sailing Squad
RGS Guildford
4 |
Ryde and Seek
Winchester Red
Sevenoaks White
Ryding High
The King's School Canterbury
RGS Others
RHS Blue
Clifton College
Claires Court Sailing Squad
RGS Guildford
5 |
Ryde and Seek
RHS Navy
Winchester Blue
Ryding High
The King's School Canterbury
Tonbridge Black
RHS Blue
RHS Pink
Claires Court Sailing Squad
RGS Guildford
6 |
Ryde and Seek
RHS Navy
Winchester Blue
Ryding High
The King's School Canterbury
Tonbridge Black
Cokethorpe Yellow
RHS Pink
RGS Others
Radley College
Winchester Red
7 |
Sevenoaks White
RGS Guildford
Winchester Blue
Ryde on Time
Tonbridge Black
Cokethorpe Yellow
RHS Pink
RGS Others
Radley College
Winchester Red
8 |
Sevenoaks White
RGS Guildford
Claires Court Race Team
Ryde on Time
Tonbridge Black
Ryde and Seek
Ryding High
Ryde Rugrats
Radley College
Winchester Red
9 |
Sevenoaks White
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Claires Court Race Team
Ryde on Time
Sherborne Gold
Ryde and Seek
Ryding High
Ryde Rugrats
Clifton College
RHS Pink
10 |
Tonbridge Black
Claires Court Sailing Squad
RHS Blue
Cokethorpe Yellow
RGS Others
Sherborne Gold
Ryde and Seek
Ryding High
Ryde Rugrats
Clifton College
RHS Pink
11 |
Tonbridge Black
The King's School Canterbury
RHS Blue
Cokethorpe Yellow
RGS Others
Sherborne Gold
RHS Navy
RGS Guildford
Claires Court Race Team
Clifton College
RHS Pink
12 |
Winchester Red
The King's School Canterbury
RHS Blue
Cokethorpe Yellow
RGS Others
Winchester Blue
RHS Navy
RGS Guildford
Claires Court Race Team
Ryde on Time
Claires Court Sailing Squad
13 |
Winchester Red
The King's School Canterbury
Clifton College
Cokethorpe Yellow
Radley College
Winchester Blue
RHS Navy
Ryde Rugrats
Ryde and Seek
Ryde on Time
Claires Court Sailing Squad
14 |
Winchester Red
Clifton College
Sherborne Gold
Radley College
Winchester Blue
Tonbridge Black
Ryde Rugrats
Ryde and Seek
Ryde on Time
RHS Blue
15 |
RHS Navy
RGS Others
Sherborne Gold
Radley College
The King's School Canterbury
Tonbridge Black
Ryde Rugrats
Ryde and Seek
Sevenoaks White
RHS Blue
16 |
RHS Navy
RGS Others
Sherborne Gold
RHS Pink
The King's School Canterbury
Ryding High
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Ryde on Time
Sevenoaks White
RHS Blue
17 |
RHS Navy
Radley College
RGS Others
Claires Court Race Team
RHS Pink
RGS Guildford
Ryding High
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Ryde on Time
Sevenoaks White
Winchester Blue
18 |
Cokethorpe Yellow
Radley College
Sherborne Gold
Claires Court Race Team
Clifton College
RGS Guildford
Ryding High
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Ryde on Time
Winchester Blue
19 |
Cokethorpe Yellow
RHS Pink
Sherborne Gold
Claires Court Race Team
Clifton College
RGS Guildford
Winchester Red
Ryde and Seek
Sevenoaks White
Winchester Blue
20 |
The King's School Canterbury
RHS Pink
Sherborne Gold
RHS Navy
Clifton College
Ryding High
Winchester Red
Ryde and Seek
Sevenoaks White
Ryde Rugrats
21 |
The King's School Canterbury
RHS Pink
Tonbridge Black
RHS Navy
RGS Guildford
Ryding High
Winchester Red
Ryde and Seek
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Claires Court Race Team
Ryde Rugrats
22 |
The King's School Canterbury
Cokethorpe Yellow
Tonbridge Black
Radley College
RGS Guildford
RHS Blue
RGS Others
Ryde and Seek
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Claires Court Race Team
Ryde Rugrats
23 |
Clifton College
Cokethorpe Yellow
Tonbridge Black
Radley College
Winchester Red
RHS Blue
RGS Others
Winchester Blue
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Claires Court Race Team
Sevenoaks White
24 |
Clifton College
Cokethorpe Yellow
RHS Pink
Radley College
Winchester Red
RHS Blue
Ryde on Time
Winchester Blue
Ryding High
The King's School Canterbury
Sevenoaks White
25 |
RGS Others
Sherborne Gold
RHS Pink
RGS Guildford
Winchester Red
Ryde Rugrats
Ryde on Time
Winchester Blue
Ryding High
The King's School Canterbury
Sevenoaks White
26 |
RGS Others
Sherborne Gold
Cokethorpe Yellow
RGS Guildford
Tonbridge Black
Ryde Rugrats
Ryde on Time
Ryding High
The King's School Canterbury
Clifton College
27 |
RHS Blue
Sherborne Gold
Cokethorpe Yellow
RGS Guildford
Tonbridge Black
Radley College
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Ryding High
RHS Navy
Clifton College
28 |
RHS Blue
Ryde on Time
Cokethorpe Yellow
Sevenoaks White
Tonbridge Black
Radley College
Claires Court Sailing Squad
RHS Pink
RHS Navy
Ryde and Seek
29 |
RHS Blue
Ryde on Time
Ryde Rugrats
Sevenoaks White
Winchester Blue
Radley College
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Claires Court Race Team
RHS Pink
RGS Others
Ryde and Seek
30 |
Tonbridge Black
Ryde on Time
Ryde Rugrats
Sevenoaks White
Winchester Blue
Winchester Red
Clifton College
Claires Court Race Team
RHS Pink
RGS Others
RHS Navy
31 |
Tonbridge Black
Ryding High
Radley College
The King's School Canterbury
Winchester Red
Clifton College
Claires Court Race Team
RHS Pink
RGS Others
RHS Navy
32 |
RGS Guildford
Ryding High
Radley College
The King's School Canterbury
Winchester Red
Clifton College
Sherborne Gold
Winchester Blue
Ryde and Seek
RHS Navy
33 |
RGS Guildford
Ryding High
Radley College
RHS Blue
Cokethorpe Yellow
Ryde Rugrats
Sherborne Gold
Winchester Blue
Ryde and Seek
Claires Court Race Team
34 |
RGS Guildford
Tonbridge Black
The King's School Canterbury
RHS Blue
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Cokethorpe Yellow
Ryde Rugrats
Sevenoaks White
Winchester Blue
Ryde and Seek
Claires Court Race Team
35 |
Ryde on Time
Tonbridge Black
The King's School Canterbury
RHS Blue
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Cokethorpe Yellow
Ryde Rugrats
Sevenoaks White
RHS Navy
Winchester Red
Sherborne Gold
36 |
Ryde on Time
Tonbridge Black
RGS Guildford
RGS Others
Claires Court Sailing Squad
Ryde and Seek
Sevenoaks White
RHS Navy
Winchester Red
Sherborne Gold
37 |
Ryde on Time
Clifton College
RGS Guildford
RGS Others
Claires Court Race Team
Ryde and Seek
RHS Blue
RHS Navy
Winchester Red
RHS Pink